Wednesday 7 December 2016


BY:zarif amin


Computer MEMORY is a physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently.For example ,RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY (RAM) is a volatile memory that stores information on an intergrated circuit used by the operating system ,software and hardware.What is volatile? Volatile is a characteristic that make the memory to stop functioning when there is no power supply.But  READ ONLY MEMORY(ROM) can still functioning well although there is no electricity. Well, this is because the ROM is sustained by a small long-life battery in a computer.

INTERNAL MEMORY: processor has  its own local memory inform of register .The example is, cache is a form internal memory else RAM,ROM.

EXTERNAL MEMORY: form of rewritable permanent storage,specifically one using a system called flash memory.

For the internal memory,expressed in term of bytes(1byte = 8 bits).

Semiconductor memory

magnetic surface memory



Memory Hierarchy
 Cache memory principle

Noted:It will become faster when it is closer the CPU.                                                        

MAPPING FUNCTION: Because the are fewer cache lines than main memory blocks , an algorithm is needed for mapping main memory blocks into cache lines.
Three techniques can be used:
·       Direct mapping
·       Set associative mapping
·       fully associative mapping

·       Direct mapped
·       2-way set associative
·       fully associative 

       Noted:if the early number is same it will HIT

      Noted: if the early number is same it will HIT

Thats all..thank you.

Saturday 26 November 2016


·        Untuk mempelajari seni bina MIPS, kita menggunakan emulator untuk memahami processor
·        Emulator sering digunakan untuk debugging
·        Untuk program pemasangan , kita boleh debug dan melihat bagaimana processor melaksanakan operasi pada cip melalui emulator.

Assembly vs. Machine Language
Assembly language is a convenient symbolic notation that is much easier to write and understand than a stream of ones and zeroes (machine language). In MIPS assembly language notation, the destination (result) is first in the operand list. This is generally the convention for the vast majority of assembly languages.
In contrast, machine language is the underlying reality of program representation (bit stream) that is fed into the processor. Each machine language instruction has the destination (result) register in the last position.
Although assembly language can provide convenient pseudo-instructions, it is the machine language instruction that is actually executed.

Important Note: When counting instructions to calculate the instruction count (IC) of a given program, count machine language instructions, since they are the only instructions executed. If you count assembly language instructions, then you will have an IC that is misleadingly small, since one assembly language instruction can be translated to several machine language instructions.
This concludes our overview of MIPS instruction format. We next examine how the MIPS architecture supports decision instructions and procedures.

·        Perisian yang akan membantu kita untuk mensimulasikan pelaksanaan program MIPS pemasangan.
·        Menambahkan dalam arahan overhed seperti yang diperlukan dan kemas kini kandungan daftar dan ingatan sebagai setiap arahan untuk dilaksanakan.
·        Freeware dan boleh didapatkan senang melalui website:

1. register display : memaparkan kesemua 32 registers dan kandungannya, sama ada dalam hex, binary atau decimal mengikut tetapan pengguna. Semua kandungan dalam registers adalah 0 pada mula-mulanya.
2. data display : mengandungi user data segment, user stack, dan kemel data segment.
3. text display : lajur pertama merupakan alamat memori. Lokasi arahan mesin ditunjukkan pada lajur kedua dalam hexadecimal.
4. SPIM messager : menunjukkan mesej simulator sama ada terdapat kesilapan kod atau tidak.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Input And Output


Difference between Input and Output Devices
Input and output devices performs two types of operations in a computer system. Input is any data that we send to a computer for processing. That can be an image from a Digital Camera, or some letters types via keyboard in a word document. Output is the result of the data we can see through some output device like a picture displayed by the Monitor, a word documented printed by a printer etc.

Input Devices

An input device feeds data to the computer system for processing.
Here is a list of input devices of a Computer System. We are going to discuss the most commonly used input devices in this article.

Complete list of Input Devices

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Scanner
  • Digital Camera , Camcorder
  • Gamepad, Joystick, Steering wheel.
  • Mic
  • Barcode Reader
  • Pen / Stylus
  • Touch Screen
  • Webcam
  • Biometrics (Thumb impression / Face detection)
Keyboard is the most common input device of a Computer System. The keyboard resembles a typewriter. Modern Keyboards have more than just the letter and numeric keys. They have multimedia keys for volume control, Play / Pause videos etc. Every single key on a keyboard is assigned a binary numbers to it which transmits that binarypattern to the computer.
Now, have you ever wondered why the keys on a keyboard are not in alphabetic order? The keys are laid out in the QWERTY order so that those key that are often struck in succession were not next to each other.  Therefore, the QWERTY layout is intended for slow typists. While for speed typing there is another keyboard available with "Dvorak" layout.
Same is the case with the numeric keys layout. If you have noticed, the layout of a Phone is different from that of a numeric keys on a Keyboard. It's because earlier phones cannot handle fast dialers. However, the layout of numeric keys on a keyboard are designed for speed typing.
Mouse is another commonly used input device of a computer system. The mouse is a pointing device that moves the cursor on the screen. You can place the cursor on icons and by clicking you can launch a program. A typical Mouse has two buttons, the left and right clicking buttons and a wheel in the center for scrollingA user can perform many operations through a Mouse, like selecting or arranging different program icons on the desktop. Copy / Paste text in a word document, scroll webpages, and of course a mouse can come in handy while playing computer games.
There are two types of Mouse, one type has a rubber-covered ball at the bottom. As the mouse is slid on a surface, the ball rolls, resulting in movement of the cursor on the screen. This is the traditional type of mouse which is getting obsolete these days and this type of Mouse does not performs well on some surfaces. The other type is an Optical Mouse, which is popular these days. The optical Mouse tracks the Mouse position using the optical sensor. The optical mouse can perform well as compared to the traditional mouse.
Scanner is the third important input device of a computer system. A scanner converts printed documents in to images. Some types of scanners scan documents and produce the results in black & white images. The scanner operates in the same manner as a Photocopier. A colored scanner works somewhat in a complicated manner as compared to a simple scanner.
Digital Camera
Digital Cameras are used to capture images. Those images are then transferred to a computer when the Camera is connected to the computer. Mostly the Digital Camera images are in JPEG format.
A computer can serve many purposes. Besides work, a user can also play games on a Computer. You can use a keyboard and mouse for gaming but a specialized Hardware device, i-e a Gamepad can also be used. A gamepad is used for controlling games, with few buttons that controls the movements of character in a Computer Game.

Output Devices

Output devices displays the processed form of data to the end user.
Common Output devices include;
  • Monitor
  • Printer
  • Speaker
Monitor is the most important output device of a computer system. The monitor is the display screen of a computer. Cathode Rays Tube (CRT) and Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) are the two types of Monitors.
The CRT monitor looks like a television. At one end of CRT Monitor there is a device that produce electrons and bombard it towards the other end where the screen is located, resulting in the screen glowing because of a substance on the screen. The CRT Monitors are expensive and occupies more space as compared to LCD Monitors.
LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. It has the properties of both liquid and solid, that’s why it has a sharp and better picture quality than CRT Monitors. LCD monitors are relatively expensive then CRT monitors. Basically, the LCD monitors were designed for laptops. Nowadays they are getting popular because of its slim size and flat screen.
A Printer takes print commands from a computer and print out text / images on a paper. Different types of printers are available for various purposes. A printer for office use must be heavy duty and fast while for photographs it must produce high quality prints. Dot-Matrix, Ink-Jet, Laser-Jet are the different types of printers. Print quality of Laser-Jet printer is excellent as compared to Ink-Jet or other types of printers, but they are relatively more expensive than the others. Most laser printers produce black & whiter prints while some can produce color prints as well. The color laser printers are way too expensive then black & white laser printers.
Speaker is an important part of a computer system. Some systems have a built-in speaker, though they are small in size. Speaker is an essential part of a computer because they can notify about various system notifications through various sounds. Big speakers, woofers & sub-woofers are used for enhance sound quality or creating a mini home theater.

Arithmetics for Computers





The first computer language for electronic devices was short code

 The first of the major languages appeared in the form of FORTRAN
-FORTRAN stands for Formula Translation system
-FORTRAN language was designed at IBM, for scientific computing
-The language used for programs that benchmark and rank’s the world fastest super   computers is FORTRAN



ALGOL is a high level language designed specially for programming Scientific Computations

  - Develope by an international group in Europe consist of 7 countries in the late of 1950's
  - Very similar to FORTRAN

6.1.4 C++

C++ language was known as Object Oriented Programming or OOP.

C++ is most after used in simulations, such as games.

C++ is sometimes called a hybrid language.

One of the preferred programming languages to develop professional applications is C++

6.1.5 JAVA

· Java is a programming language developed by James Gosling.

· Java language was developed to facilitate communication with the interactive T.V.




A mode of computer operation in which a process is split into parts that execute simultaneously on different processors attached to the same computer.

 The ability of the brain to do many things (aka, processes) at once. For example, when a person sees an object, they don't see just one thing, but rather many different aspects that together help the person identify the object as a whole. For example, you may see the colors red, black, and silver. These colors alone may not mean too much, but if you also see shapes such as rectangles, circles, and curved shapes, your brain may perceive all the elements simultaneously, put them together and identify it as a car. Note that motion and depth of the object can also be perceived. These cues processed in the brain tell the person that the red car is headed straight at them so they jump out of the way. Without parallel processing, the brain would have to process each aspect of the car separately in progression. By the time the person identified the car, it would be too late.